How to copy a widget to multiple pages

Save time by adding a widget to multiple pages with just a few clicks!

Written by Videowise Support
Updated over a week ago

Copy a widget to multiple pages effortlessly using the "Copy widget to other pages" feature, whether they share the same or different videos.

One thing to keep in mind is that you cannot have the same widget on a page twice (each widget has a unique ID, and the same ID can't appear on the same page twice).
You can add multiple widgets to a page by clicking on "Add video widget" and re-use a product page widget or copying a widget from one page to another.


Follow the steps below:πŸ‘‡

Step 1: Open the product page/other page that contains the widget you want to copy


Step 2: Click "More" on the right side of the screen βž” Copy widget to other pages.

​Step 3: Choose between copying the widget with videos, or just copying the widget settings and adding new videos to the other pages later.


​Step 4: Copy video widget with videos/ Just copy video widget, do not copy videos βž” Select the page(s) you'd like to add the widget to βž” click Continue

Step 5: The widget has been applied βž” click Finish


Step 6: If you copied the video widget without the videos βž” Continue to add videos to the page where you copied the widget.




  • You can copy a widget to multiple pages at once. Just select all pages you'd like on the "Select pages" step.

  • Changes made to the widget or player's settings on one page will apply to all other pages.

  • Copied widgets are initially unpublished and need to be published on new pages individually.

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