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Video Widgets
Video Widgets

Learn how to customize and install your video widgets using our unique features

1 author40 articles

Setting Up and customizing video widgets

Discover the process of configuring and customizing video widgets

Other Pages: what they are and how to add oneOther Pages are all the pages on your Shopify store that aren't product pages: homepage, reviews page, about us, contact, etc.
How to create video widgets on Product PagesLearn how to create shoppable video widgets for your product pages.
How to create video widgets on Other PagesLearn how to create video components from scratch or re-use already existing ones, and embed them on your other Shopify pages.
How to set up Automated PlaylistsThe video widget playlist will be generated based on rules set using video tags from your Library.
How to set up Manual PlaylistsYou will manually add your videos and control their order in the video playlist.
How to customize the video widgetChange the layout, play button style, heading text, and more, with just one click.
How to change videos in a widgetYou can add or change the videos added to a widget even after you've installed it on-page.
How to re-use a product page widgetProduct page video widgets can be re-used without having to re-install them on-page. Here's how.
How to organize your widgetsEffortlessly customize and manage widgets by arranging, filtering, searching, and gaining insights.
How to filter automated widgets for bulkWhen you set up an automated widget, our bulk action process avoids including unrelated videos by applying specific conditions.
How to copy a widget to multiple pagesSave time by adding a widget to multiple pages with just a few clicks!
How to customize the video playerLearn how to customize the video player to match your store's shopping experience.
How to change the size and aspect ratio of a video widgetLearn how to customize and change the size and aspect ratio of a video widget's display on-page.
How to hide/show video meta data in your video widgetThe option to Hide/Show Video Meta Data is available for carousels, galleries, and single video widgets.
How to change the spacing between videosLearn how to customize margin and padding in video widget settings.
How to enable video autoplay for all widget themesLearn how to set videos on autoplay in video widget settings.
How to use partial URLs in Other PagesUse partial URLs to insert widgets in multiple independent pages simultaneously.
How to customize video widgets for Desktop and MobileCustomize shoppable video aspects and behavior for both Widget and Video Player Settings, adapting to desktop and mobile devices.
How to create a Popup video widgetFollow these instructions to create a Popup video widget.
How to create a video carousel highlight Portrait/LandscapeFollow these instructions to create, edit and install the video carousel highlight portrait/landscape on your Shopify Store.
How to create a Background video widgetLearn how to create background video components from scratch or re-use already existing ones, and embed them on your Shopify pages.
How to create a video Masonry Gallery with big videoFollow these instructions to create, edit and install the video masonry gallery with big video on your Shopify Store.
How to create a video carousel Landscape/Portrait OverlappingFollow these instructions to create, edit and install Video Carousel Landscape/Portrait Overlapping on your Shopify Store.
How to create a product video widgetFollow these instructions to create, edit and install the product video widget on your Shopify Store.