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Advanced Analytics: Unlock the full potential of your video content
Advanced Analytics: Unlock the full potential of your video content

With advanced analytics, you get detailed reports on how each page, widget, and video is performing.

Written by Videowise Support
Updated over a week ago

​Below you'll find a list of each report available with advanced analytics:

  • Top video widgets

top video widgets

This report gives you full context on how your widgets are performing. For example, if you have multiple widgets across different product pages, you can see which ones are getting the most views/orders, and optimize the layout across the entire website to increase overall conversions.

  • Top videos

top videos

Here, you'll get insights into how each video is performing. A crucial metric is average watch time; analyzing videos with higher watch time can guide you to create similar content for increased engagement.

  • Top pages

top pages

Use this report to analyze performance across all pages featuring Videowise widgets. For instance, assess video performance on pages with comparable traffic and make adjustments to enhance user engagement.

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